Propane Consumer Mobile App

Generac Launches new Consumers Feature to better engage propane customers

At Generac, we believe that the relationship with the customer is by far the most important
reason why customers stay with a delivered fuel supplier.

That’s why we are introducing our Consumers feature within the Generac Operations Portal.
With the Consumers feature, propane marketers will be able to invite and track engagement of
consumers within their white labeled mobile app. This enables them to provide greater
transparency and enhanced peace of mind to customers that they will not run them out.

Within the Consumers feature, propane marketers will be able to:

  • Promote a white labeled mobile app to their customers with the real-time tank level of
    their tank
  • Invite customers to download the Generac mobile app directly from the software
    platform via email address
  • Track when the consumer last views and how often they engage with the mobile app
  • Capture emails from any customer that downloads the Generac mobile app. This
    information is easily exportable for use in any email marketing system

Propane customers are 51% more likely to recommend a propane marketer when provided tank
monitoring with a mobile app. This feature will help propane marketers increase the stickiness
with their customers ensuring better customer retention and improved revenue every year.

Come see the new product functionality at the NPGA Southeastern show!

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