Why Tank Utility One Pager

How Propane Marketers Could Benefit from the Recent Government Stimulus Package

With the recent $2 trillion stimulus package (known as the “CARES Act”) passed by the U.S. Senate and the House, we’ve seen over $349 billion made available for small businesses through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).  While you’ve probably seen some information from your respective propane associations and other resources, we wanted to share […]

Propane Scheduling and Forecasting

Product Announcement: Smart Scheduling with Tank Utility

As more fuel marketers rely on monitoring across more of their tanks, we are excited to announce Tank Utility’s newest innovation, Smart Scheduling! A Real-Time Scheduler for Monitored Accounts Our new Smart Scheduling feature enables fuel marketers to plan ahead and schedule your deliveries directly in Tank Utility. With this new feature, you can view […]

Delivery Efficiency Dashboard

Product Announcement: See The Efficiency of Every Delivery

Tank monitoring should help you drive down the delivery costs for your business. At Tank Utility, we want to give you better control and insight into these costs with consistent improvements to our Delivery Efficiency Dashboards. Analyzing Efficiency Per Account AND Per Delivery Tank Utility is the only tank monitoring solution where you can see […]

Estimate fill date for monitored tanks

Product Announcement: Estimated Fill Date to Improve Real-Time Forecasting for Monitored Tanks

Real-time tank level is the most accurate view of your customer’s tanks but tank level percentage can only help you plan so much.  As fuel marketers increasingly use real-time tank level in their delivery scheduling, Tank Utility is committed to using these measurements to provide the most accurate forecasting methods to determine when to deliver. […]

Product Announcement: Ullage To Know Where You Can Drop the Most Gallons

As fuel marketers look to use real-time tank level in their delivery scheduling, Tank Utility is introducing Ullage as a way to know where you can drop the most gallons. Schedule based on Efficiency and Overall Gallons Ullage provides the amount of droppable gallons available for an account. With this knowledge, fuel marketers are able […]

Consumer Mobile App Invites Screenshot from Portal

Product Announcement: Improve the Customer Experience with Easy Consumer Mobile App Invites

Did you know? A Consumer Mobile App that provides real-time tank level will makes a customer 3x more likely to recommend you to a friend and family member. Today, Tank Utility is providing an easier way to get the mobile app into customer’s hands with the correct tank level information for their tank. Improving Customer […]

Jorge Rojas Tank Utility

Employee Spotlight: Jorge Rojas

Jorge Rojas is one of our Business Development Managers. With his love for numbers and his self-determination, he’s a great asset to the Tank Utility team! Professional Questions: Q.) Tell me about where you came from, how’d you end up in Boston? A.) Originally born and raised in Puerto Rico, I moved to Florida to […]

Cargas Tank Utility integration

Tank Utility Launches Deeper Bi-Directional Integration with Cargas Energy

We are excited to announce the launch of our Bi-directional Integration with Cargas Energy. While our integration with Cargas has been around for a long time, sometimes the changes that take place under the hood are the most important. We just released a major update to how this works and wanted to share how it […]

2019 Propane Operational Excellence Awards Report

Tank Utility Announces the Winners of the 2019 Operational Excellence Awards

Tank Utility, the leader in propane and heating oil tank monitoring solutions, is excited to announce the winners of the 2019 Operational Excellence awards. The awards recognize leading propane marketers who are using tank monitoring to drive business results and be as efficient as possible on their toughest accounts. This Year’s Winners We are excited […]

Primary Method of Communication Propane Consumers

10 Ideas for Propane Marketers To Use To Acquire New Customers and Wrangle Will Call

This past week, our Senior Director of Marketing Chris Brablc presented on 15+ Marketing Ideas to Wrangle Will Call and Acquire New Customers at the Minnesota PGA Summer Meeting. The blog post below is a post based on this presentation. Recently, I presented some simple and more advanced ideas for propane marketers to acquire new […]